Friday 26 August 2016

Edinburgh Book Festival Spotlight: Sean Taylor

We were very lucky to spend the day with Walker author 
Sean Taylor at Edinburgh Book Festival 2016.

We started off the morning with an interactive session in the Story Box Venue which was packed with poetry and hand actions and Sean read out loud from Don't Call me Choochie Pooh! and A Brave Bear. Next Sean hosted his Silly Stories before we zoomed off to the bookshop where there were lots of Sean's books ready for signing!

To end a gorgeous day, Sean spoke at Amnesty International's event, This is Exile: Diaries of Child Refugees, which drew attention to the growing refugee crisis across the world. It was an affecting reading and we were proud to be involved. 

Phew! What a busy day! Well done, Sean!

Don't worry if you missed it! Here are a few videos of Sean reading his newest books!