Check out our top new picture books below where you can learn some new karate moves or be whisked away to the seaside - there is something for everyone!
1. The Walloo's Big Adventure by Anuska Allepuz

On a small, rocky island, live the Walloos: Big Walloo, Spotty Walloo, Old Walloo and Little Walloo. Old Walloo loves to tell stories about his adventures, and Little Walloo can’t wait to have her first adventure, too! So when the family travel together to a tropical island, Little Walloo can't believe her eyes. WOW! The air is so moist and fresh, the plants so tall and green. But when some of the gang begin picking the island's leaves and plants, Little Walloo gets a funny feeling... Something is not quite right. What is that GURGLE-GURGLE-WURGLE sound? And is the island ... moving?

Now out in paperback and you can watch the trailer here.
3. Pawed Piper by Michelle Robinson and illustrated by Chinlun Lee

Now out in paperback.
4. Karate Kids by Holly Sterling

Now out in paperback and you can watch the trailer here.
Get your copies of our top picks of the month at all good booksellers!